Dribo is an initiative that completely transforms the experience of obtaining a drivers’ license into a gamified educational method and the simplification of processes, all from a mobile application. With the aim of making private mobility more accessible, the company has digitalised the model for the conventional driving school sector with the aim of offering the user a more gratifying, flexible and better value experience.
Moreover, the automated teaching provides value and reliability thanks to the potential application of professional skills and, at the same time, increases income. There are four Spanish entrepreneurs behind this startup: Enric Romero, Alberto Pastor, Oscar Gallo and Manuel Caldas, who placed a bet on a 100% digitalized driving school.
Dribo has more than 50,000 users in Spain that can access theory test preparation even if the application is not operational in their city. With a training process that incorporates a gamified element, approximately 90% of users manage to pass first time round and 99% at the second attempt, which means that the DGT process renewal payment is reduced considerably. In terms of the practical element, this is coverd via agreements with self-employed driving instructors and driving schools.
Thanks to raising over 700 thousand euros, the founders have been able to develop the product and invest in marketing, which has allowed them to continue to grow nationally and they even won the 2018 editions of Seedrocket Barcelona. They aim to expand their frontiers in the principal provinces of Spain and make the leap into other countries in the European Union.