Fundera and are helping businesses accessing opportunities

  • For the moment, Soro is focusing on the Spanish market commercially, but as a SaaS, both Foundera and services reach other countries in Europe and America.

 Diego Soro (CEO) is the founder of, an online platform that aggregates public and private tenders worldwide, offering companies easy access to information and business opportunities. It is a recent addition to the original company Fundera, another of Soro’s projects, which focuses exclusively on aggregating information on public financing lines around the world.

For Diego Soro, who has worked with these processes for a long time, tackles the deficiencies and fragmentation in the system of publication of tenders. While many business opportunities are published every day, these are often extremely difficult to trace, making it impossible for companies to be aware of everything. The result is that companies end up losing many business opportunities. is a digital tool that democratizes access to information. With more than 90.000 active tenders and publishing more than 4.000 daily in all sectors and countries worldwide, companies can access information on public and private tenders from different sources in a simple and affordable way.  With its alert system, companies know in real time when a tender or contract is published that fits their profile.


It is a leap forward in a sector that continues to rely on consultancy. works as a subscription service with a monthly fee of 24.99€ and it is focused on delivering a SaaS service. It a cheaper and scalable solution that helps mitigating the gap between large and small businesses, which could not compete because they could not afford to have someone dedicated exclusively to search this type of opportunities.

The startup was launched in 2017, using the lean startup model and relied on hundreds of thousands of euros in private investment, spent mainly on technology and for commercial purposes. This is a self-funded project, that today counts with more than 600 customers, and builds on the experience of Foundera, a similar tool that offers free access to thousands of public funding lines worldwide.

Created in 2014, Foundera added 66 countries and more than 4.700 funding lines published in just one year, making it the most important aggregator of public funding lines in the world. Currently, there are more than 1600 active lines with a budget of more than 50,000 million euros. It has 1400 registered users, even though is not necessary register to be able to use Foundera. It is totally free. The startups’ profit results from consultancy, i.e. selling leads to consultancy companies (more than 35 in Foundera), and from the premium services like For the moment, Soro is focusing on the Spanish market commercially, but as a SaaS, both Foundera and services reach other countries in Europe and America.