Spanish Radio and Television or RTVE, the state-owned media group which is also the largest Spanish language broadcaster in the world has launched an accelerator: Impulsa Visión.
RTVE operates mainly in the Spanish territory but it has global reach. Its International TV and Radio Channels cover all five continents. RTVE also has a Fiction Channel in North and South America and website offering a wide breath of contents, available worldwide.
Seeking to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the audio-visual sector in Spain, RTVE launched Impulsa Visión in 2015. The program is directed by Esteban Mayoral Campos, Alfonso López Asensio, Javier Sánchez Pérez and Óscar Baza Moreno and it is aimed at autonomous professional and emerging micro-SMEs.
Impusla Visión is an initiative with a vertical design aimed at investing in innovative and disruptive proposals in the fields of technology, content and, business management, applied to the media sector.
RTVE’s intention is to promote projects that contribute to the development and competitiveness of the audiovisual sector in general, and to RTVE’s in particular. For participants, Impula Visión offers added value. Besides funding and a working space at RTVE´s facilities, each project receives mentoring and training from highly recognised professionals.
Profiting from RTVE’s 60 years of experience in the audio-visual industry, participants get the chance to work shoulder-to-shoulder with RTVE’s Departments throughout the program, testing products and services, integrating them in real work-flows, certificating them for future commercialization to other companies.
In addition, RTVE helps participants reach high profile networks, and promotes projects in their TV and Radio Channels.
Launched entirely with internal resources, Impulsa Visión is not very costly. In addition to the operating costs, RTVE invests up to 30.000€ per project, per year and it accelerates up to 4 projects in each edition. RTVE does not participate in these company’s capital.
Up to today, the program has held two editions. Impulsa Visión invests in recently created startups with very high growth potential. Some of these projects like Videona Social Media, Zapiens, Filmarkethub, Meikme, Teltoo, 104cubes, Paythunder or Rookiebox have already won recognition.
For the near future, RTVE wishes to continue finding and accelerating innovative audio-visual projects, help existing ones grow faster and reach higher, and apply the successful examples in RTVE’s Departments.