
Startups | Future Technologies
Tutellus, the largest collaborative learning platform in the Hispanic world

Tutellus, is the first company in the ecosystem based on “tokenization” of education. Currently, Tutellus is focused on combining the traditional business with the Blockchain area.

Acquisitions | Future Technologies
Lingbe, the mobile language practice App that allows users to call native speakers

Lingbe, a free language practice mobile app that allows users to call native speakers instantly, is announcing its official relaunch and the company’s acquisition by italki.

Investments | Education
Capaball Closes its first year with €500,000 of private financing

Capaball was born in February 2018 with the aim of training the workers of the future by improving their knowledge and skills in the areas related to digital transformation (hard & soft skills). This e-learning platform is a simple way to learn.